The blog you are presently looking at is part of a personal project, which is not presently associated with any organisation or corporation apart from myself and my family.
This project consists of three components:
- an iOS application, which is designed to display maps annotated with user-defined points of interest;
- a web application, which can be used to generate files in the input format accepted by the iOS application; and
- the current blog, which I plan to use as a forum to publicise the two application components and hopefully to engage with users in discussions about how they should evolve over time.
My motivations for taking on this project are:
- learning new skills, partly in the technology sphere, but more importantly in the sphere of (very) small business administration;
- improving my employability (although I am very happy with my present day job, and I don't plan to look for a change any time soon);
- sharing some of my skills and enthusiasms with other members of my family (particularly my two sons Jack and Gabriel);
- establishing a utilitarian reason for purchase of technology products which my puritan soul would regard as self-indulgent if I bought them for no better reason than I want them and can afford them; and
- having access to an app on my phone which does something I consider useful in exactly the way I want it done (software developers familiar with literature about the open source concept may recognize this as 'scratching my own itch').
The only income stream I am presently planning to try to extract from activity on this project will be payments for purchase of the iOS application on Apple's iOS App Store. I have no plans to use in-application purchases, sale of advertising space on the web properties or in any future version of the iOS app or sale of data arising out of operation of the project, although my statement that I don't have plans to do any of these things now should not be interpreted as a firm promise for all time that none of these things will ever happen.
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