Saturday, 2 November 2013

Version 1.3.0 of the Trailer iOS app released, more changes coming soon

I've just had confirmation from Apple that version 1.3.0 of the Trailer iOS app is now available in the app store.

This version doesn't add much new value, apart from being a rebuilt against the iOS7 environment and updating the version of the analytics library from Flurry which is in use, as the old version relies on a unique id API which Apple have removed in iOS7.

I realize there's not been much happening for a while, this has been due to work and other commitments depriving me of time to work on it.  Readers in the software industry may be familiar with the phrase 'whatever it takes' in relation to development processes in our day jobs.  The current project runs quite differently, 'whatever it gets' is a better description.

I'm afraid the web application for generating trails isn't presently working, but I am hoping that I will manage to get it working again (and in a better and more useable state) within the next few weeks.  In the mean time, if you're interested in reading back through the blog entries you are welcome, and the code-based method of creating trails should still be working fine.

I hope I'll be able to post something more interesting soon.